St. Rita School has a uniform exchange program called the Trotter Trade. The Home & School Association is responsible for collecting, maintaining, & organizing this program.
The Trotter Trade is located on the first floor of the main building in between the cafeteria and the 1st - & 2nd - grade hallway for easy access. You can donate St. Rita uniforms that your St. Rita student(s) can no longer use to keep them in circulation; while also checking out donated, gently used items that your student(s) may be in need of instead of purchasing. There is a laundry hamper located at the end of the hallway to make dropping off items easy & convenient!
The Trotter Trade accepts anything in GOOD condition. The best part of our uniform exchange program at SRS is that it is FREE!!
For more information regarding the Trotter Trade, contact HSA's uniform & merch chairs: