The Extended Care Program serves St. Rita School families by providing quality childcare during extended hours of the day. Before School Care (BSC) is provided from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m., and After School Care (ASC) is provided between 2:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. During After School Care, students are provided with homework time as appropriate, snacks, and play time. ASC may not be provided on holidays and early dismissal days.
A registration fee of $10.00 per child is required for students to participate in the Extended Care Program. The fee for Before School Care is $3.00 per child per day. The fee for After School Care is $3.00 per child per hour for the first hour, $4.00 for the second hour and $5.00 from 5:15-6:00pm. The charge for any student not picked up by 6:00pm is $1.00 per minute.
ASC is not provided on holidays, the last day of school prior to a holiday, early dismissal days, the Friday of the Pecan Fest, and on the day of Open House in January. On days that after school care is not provided, the charge for any student not picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal time is $1.00 per minute.
Parents/guardians more than 45 days behind in Extended Care fees will not be allowed to continue in the program.
In keeping with the philosophy of St. Rita School, the Guidance Department strives to serve students, faculty, families, community, and Church by providing support for emotional and social growth. The goal of the SRS Guidance Program is to support students as they matriculate through the program of studies and assist faculty as they work with students in the academic area. Guidance Department activities include the development of in-class programs to assist all students in Grades PK-7. Services include the following:
St. Rita School participates in the Archdiocesan Food Services Program. Students must establish a pre-paid cafeteria account for breakfast, lunch and extras such as juice or milk. Purchases are made through the cafeteria account, as no money is accepted at the register. An initial deposit of $40.00 is sent to the school cafeteria for students to participate in the cafeteria program. Parents are notified periodically of account balances, and cafeteria program guidelines require prepayment of all services.
Technology is integral to fulfilling St. Rita School’s mission, which calls us to prepare students for the future in a positive, creative, and enriched learning environment, and has been an area of tremendous growth and accomplishment for the school, especially since 2002 as the school community embraced technological advancement with opened arms. The school network allows high speed internet access for all laptops and computers across campus and system-wide use of software programs.
The first floor computer lab boasts 30 Internet-connected computers, an LCD projection system, scanner, and laser printers. Students in preschool through grade seven attend weekly classes in the computer lab where they utilize educational software, learn skills such as keyboarding, power point, spread sheets, word processing, and conduct research in various curricular areas.
Donations from the 2013-2014 St. Rita Home and School Association allowed for the addition of the writing lab on the second floor of the school. The writing lab houses 27 desktops, a color printer, and projector. In addition to the Fast ForWord Reading Program for grades 3 and 4, the writing lab provides teachers the flexibility of scheduling classes for various educational experiences such as completing writing assignments, creating power point presentations, researching the Internet, and visiting educational websites.
In 2014, we were excited to be able to add iPads, housed on mobile carts, for use in classrooms.
Classrooms are equipped with Smart Boards, projectors, document cameras and Internet to provide full access to technology/media as part of the educational curriculum. Teachers utilize video streaming and educational websites to enhance lessons and increase student learning.
Technological advancement has been made possible through several sources. In addition to expenses budgeted each year for technology, donations from individual stakeholders and support groups such as the Home & School Association as well as equipment received through competitive and block grants have provided St. Rita School students with exceptional technology recources in support of improved student learning.
The St. Rita School Library offers students the opportunity to expand their horizons through access to a variety of reading materials and supports the Accelerated Reader program. The library is open before and after school for student use. Library hours are 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Students are encouraged to visit the library. Instuctional equipment and materials such as laptops, overhead projectors, and research tools are available for teacher use through the library.
St. Rita School students are afforded the opportunity to participate in instrumental and vocal music through Performance Choir, Guitar, and Piano.